About Our Print, Film, Commercial and Television Services

  • Dog training to develop canine stars for production work

  • On-camera dog handling for print, film, commercial or television shoots

  • Clear coaching and expert advice on your projects to help develop your vision in alignment with humane practices

Our Head Trainer, Kelly, is known and recognised as one of the most qualified and experienced Canine Behavioural Practitioners in dog training and behaviour. She has on-set experience with a range of dogs of different temperaments and skill levels.

Kelly ensures that health, safety and welfare of the dogs is a priority on set which means that the dogs are relaxed, happy and well-cared for. She uses positive reinforcement and rewards-based training methods in training the dogs and when handling on set.

Kelly’s expertise will help solve production challenges and get the shots that you want!

Contact Us to talk about how Kelly can help you.